The Zawahiri Strike

Men like Ayman al-Zawahiri seldom die of old age. He avoided detection since 9/11 and was proficient in being invisible. He probably
Men like Ayman al-Zawahiri seldom die of old age. He avoided detection since 9/11 and was proficient in being invisible. He probably
Taliban complete a year of their takeover of Kabul in mid-August 2022. It also means that the US and NATO have had
Afghanistan will continue to remain a never ending enigma for all. While Kabul is trying to distance itself from an inward looking
Taliban face five to six critical crises which they must surmount to survive. Potential famine, finances, internal divisions within the Taliban, the
Afghanistan has left the World exhausted. 15 August is a memory and so is the US invasion. Effects of twenty years of
The new government in Afghanistan, called by many the Taliban Government, is settling into power. After twenty years of war, a sweeping
The Taliban have taken Kabul in a time frame that has paralleled Blitzkrieg and the capitulation of France in WWII. Province after
August 31, 2021, will conclude the US Forces Operation Freedom’s Sentinel and NATO’s Resolute Support Mission to Afghanistan. The oscillating dates pertaining
The situation in Afghanistan has been unimaginable for the past four weeks. So a lot has been going on; The Taliban Revival,
There is a mystery in how the Taliban have started to make gains in Northern Afghanistan which historically holds bad memories for | +92-51-8732000 | +92-51-8730820 | Flat 201, 2nd Floor, Paris Heights, Main Boulevard, Sector E-11/1, Islamabad,Pakistan, 44000 |